Programs and Services
Many of our programs are sponsored by Aspire Health Partners, Inc., Central Florida Cares Health System, Inc., and the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families.
Access / Assessment Center
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Access Center provides intake screening services for both involuntary and voluntary clients, and is provided on an in-house, walk-in basis for individuals seeking care for themselves or a family member.
Aspire Health Partners is a community mental health center and designated public receiving facility.
Emergency assessments are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
Non-emergency assessments for referrals to medication management, counseling and other Aspire services are available as follows:
Mondays: 8am - 7pm
Tuesdays: 8am - 5pm
Wednesdays: 8am - 5pm
Thursdays: 8am - 7pm
Fridays : 8am - 5pm
Saturdays: Closed
Sundays: Closed
Assessment / Screening | Mental Health | Crisis / In Patient / Detox
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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(407)-875-3700 option 3
Access Center
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Aspire Health Partner's Seminole County Access Center is committed to providing comprehensive clinical assessments in a timely and professional manner for residents who are in crisis or are brought in by police, family or friends. Assessment specialists help the individual being served identify their specific clinical need, provides immediate support and refers the person to the most appropriate behavioral health services, either within our agency or in the community.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
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(407)-875-3700 option 3
Addictions Receiving Facility (ARF)
Counties Served:
Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
The Addictions Receiving Facility (ARF) provides medically-supervised detoxification and stabilization for adult men and women with substance abuse and/or co-occurring mental health disorders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Individuals can be voluntarily and involuntarily (Marchman Act) admitted. Clients admitted remain in the ARF for approximately 7 days before being referred to an Aspire or other community treatment programs for continued services.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Crisis / In Patient / Detox
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Kassab Plaza
434 West Kennedy Blvd Orlando, FL 32810
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407-875-3700 Ext. 4350
Adult Case Management
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Adult Case Management program serves adults who exhibit severe impairment due to a chronic and persistent mental illness and/or co-occurring substance use disorder.
Case Managers work with clients and families to ensure continuity of care through assessment, monitoring, individualized planning and linking to community resources.
Case Managers ensure the client has access to all needed and appropriate services.
Mental Health | Homeless Services
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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407-875-3700 ext. 6731
Adult Outpatient Medication / Medical Services
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Outpatient Medical Services are available to individuals in need of evaluation for and treatment with psychotropic medication. Referred clients are given a Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation including an assessment for chemical dependency problems. Individuals who abuse alcohol and drugs may in many instances experience all the symptoms of a chronic mental illness; with abstinence, their symptoms will resolve.
Contact Information: Ellie Hauser 407.875.3700 Ext. 6469
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
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(407)-875-3700 ext 7262
Adult Outpatient Medication/Medical Services
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
Adult Outpatient Program
Counties Served:
Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
The Adult Outpatient Program provides comprehensive, focused, psychotherapeutic services to individuals on an outpatient basis which may include individual, family, couples and/or group therapy sessions.
Most clients who qualify for services are discharged within six months of admission.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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407-875-3700 x 6241
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
ALPHA is a school-based prevention program offering support and counseling services to students at seven Orange County elementary schools. All services are provided by Master level counselors free of charge during school hours. Services include counseling, academic assistance, character educations lessons, mentoring and family support. Current ALPHA elementary school locations include Engelwood, Hungerford, Lake Weston, Lancaster, Lovell, Mollie Ray and Sally Ride elementary schools.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Child Welfare
Services for:
Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
Kassab Plaza
434 West Kennedy Blvd Orlando, FL 32810
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407-875-3700 X4297
ANCHOR - Accessing New Choices for Housing Opportunities and Recovery
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The ANCHOR Program is an integral component of the Orange County Central Receiving Center (CRC) service system. ANCHOR provides Level III residential services, including group and individual therapy, case management, employment assistance, AA and NA meetings, recovery support, housing assistance, medication observation, among other services for chronically homeless adults and other individuals who have co-occurring disorders and are in need of support in their recovery. ANCHOR serves individuals who have been referred through the Central Receiving Center, Detox, and Outpatient among other referral sources. ANCHOR is operated by Aspire and is a collaborative effort with Orange County Government.
407-875-3700 x 4380
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Homeless Services
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
3200 West Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32805
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407-875-3700 x 4380
Back on Track
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Back On Track Program is a partnership between Orange County Public Schools and Aspire Health Partners designed for students who have received a Level 4 discipline infraction (for substance use and /or possession of paraphernalia). Students and families are provided the opportunity to participate in the Back On Track Program in lieu of students' expulsion. Students participate in group sessions as well as family sessions with at least one parent or guardian addressing the topics of drug use and abuse, communication, and problem solving.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Child Welfare
Services for:
Female Youth, Male Youth
OCPS Education al Leadership Center
45 W. Amelia St. Orlando, FL 32801
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Bay House
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Bay House is a 12 bed short-term residential facility designed to assist individuals with serious and persistent mental health issues to learn to live more independently in the community. Each resident has a bedroom shared with one peer with common living spaces. Experienced and qualified staff are on site 24 hours a day.
This is a 24/7 Residential Facility
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Homeless Services
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
351 S. Bay Ave
351 S. Bay Ave Sanford, FL 32771
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Behavioral Health Consultants
Counties Served:
Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
Behavioral Health Consultants assist the Department of Children and Families, including Child Protective Investigators (CPI) and the Diversion Team, with the identification of behavioral needs of families involved with the Child Welfare System. They consult and collaborate with members of these teams to identify substance use disorders and co-occurring disorders, improve engagement with families, and improve access to treatment.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Child Welfare
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Families
Kassab Plaza
434 West Kennedy Blvd Orlando, FL 32810
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407-875-3700 ext 3374
Brevard Outpatient Center
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Aspire Health Partners provides outpatient services for Brevard County adolescents and adults through evidence-based treatment services including drug education, intervention services, DUI classes, and drug court programs. This comprehensive program offers a wide range of services to each client, including individual, family, and group counseling, psycho-educational programming, life skills, experiential therapy, relapse prevention, and formal referrals to community agencies based on individual needs. Outpatient and prevention services are available for both adults and adolescents.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | HIV
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Female Youth, Male Youth
Palm Bay Office
4670 Lipscomb St. NE Palm Bay, FL 32905
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321-726-2889 ext 4410
Case Management
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The primary goal of the Case Management program is to optimize the functioning of individuals and maximize their self-sufficiency. The purpose of Case Management services is to create strategies to reduce or eliminate the tendency to foster dependency among individuals with a mental illness. The Case Manager assists individuals with complex needs by coordinating the provision of quality treatment and support services. Support services are based on each specific individual and their particular treatment needs. Treatment needs are identified through an intake and assessment period and are developed jointly by the individual and their Case Manager. A service plan is developed which outlines how these needs will be addressed.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
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CENTAUR - Main Office
Counties Served:
Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
The mission of CENTAUR is to reduce the incidence of HIV infection in our community and to improve the quality of life for persons who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Services are designed to address the factors associated with the risk or progression of HIV infection. CENTAUR provides confidential HIV & Hepatitis testing; mental health counseling; community referrals; comprehensive education sessions; and substance abuse assessment and counseling. In addition, CENTAUR also provides HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS) services for those individuals infected with HIV/AIDS and are experiencing a threat of homelessness or are already homeless.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Homeless Services | HIV
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
CENTAUR Main Office
106 West Columbia Street Orlando, FL 32806
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407-875-3700 x 4291
Charlotte's Place
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Charlotte's Place is a Clubhouse program which creates a restorative environment for people with mental illness and co-occurring disorders. Participants are members, not clients, patients or consumers, who work side by side in operating and accomplishing the goals of the Clubhouse. Charlotte's Place Clubhouse focuses on wellness and on talents, skills and abilities, not a person's illness, and is fully accredited by Clubhouse International, Inc. (formerly the ICCD). Members are able to build confidence and self-esteem through meaningful work within the Clubhouse and through employment programs that allow members to become gainfully employed through Temporary Employment Program (TEP) opportunities or Supportive Employment, with as much hands-on support from Clubhouse staff as needed. In addition, a variety of social activities are planned by members and staff to encourage relationships and healthy ways to have fun outside of work hours.
Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Bay Avenue
300 South Bay Ave. Sanford, FL 32771
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(407)-875-3700 x 2300
Child Welfare Supportive Services - FITT/DOTT
Counties Served:
Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
Aspire operates the Family Intensive Treatment Team (FITT) and Dependency Outpatient Treatment Team (DOTT) in partnership with the Department of Children and Families. These programs are only available to families referred directly from the Department.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Child Welfare
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Families
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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Children's Community Action Team (CAT) Team - Orange County
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
olescents, and young adults who are at risk of out-of-home placement due to mental health or substance abuse disorders. Youth receiving services must be between the age of 11-21 and have received a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis. The CAT Team is a short term, intensive program with services typically lasting approximately 6 months. Services are available in Orange, Seminole, and Osceola Counties.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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407-875-3700 ext 5078
Children's Community Action Team (CAT) Team - Osceola County
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Children's Community Action Team (CAT Team) is a multi-disciplinary, community based team that provides intensive wraparound services to children, adolescents, and young adults who are at risk of out-of-home placement due to mental health or substance abuse disorders. Youth receiving services must be between the age of 11-21 and have received a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis. The CAT Team is a short term, intensive program with services typically lasting approximately 6 months. Services are available in Orange, Seminole, and Osceola Counties.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
Osceola CAT Team
1975 S John Young Parkway Kissimmee, FL 34741
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407-875-3700 ext4776
Children's Community Action Team (CAT) Team - Seminole County
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Children's Community Action Team (CAT Team) is a multi-disciplinary, community based team that provides intensive wraparound services to children, adolescents, and young adults who are at risk of out-of-home placement due to mental health or substance abuse disorders. Youth receiving services must be between the age of 11-21 and have received a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis. The CAT Team is a short term, intensive program with services typically lasting approximately 6 months. Services are available in Orange, Seminole, and Osceola Counties.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
Fernpark Facility
237 Fernwood Blvd Fern Park, FL 32730
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407-875-3700 ext 5078
Children's Medication Clinic
Counties Served:
Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
The Children's Medication Clinic serves children and adolescents through the age of 17 with serious behavioral and emotional problems not requiring inpatient care.
Program services include psycho-diagnostic evaluations, nursing assessment, physical assessment, treatment planning, prescribing and monitoring of medications.
Mental Health | Prevention / Education
Services for:
Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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407-875-3700 ext. 5008
Children's Outpatient Program
Counties Served:
Orange, Seminole
Program Summary:
Children's Outpatient Services provides intensive therapeutic on-site, school based and home based services, psychosocial rehabilitation, basic living skills training, individual, family and group therapy for children and their families suffering from mental health, behavioral problems, traumatic life events or co-occurring substance use disorders.
Mental Health
Services for:
Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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407-875-3700 ext. 6126
College Place Apartments
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The residential program is comprised of multiple Programs within our College Place Apartments, a 54-bed supervised apartment facility, that provides transitional housing as well as other services to individuals with mental illness. It is a point of entry for adults, including the homeless, with severe and persistent mental illnesses who need the support of supervised living until they have regained the skills necessary for more independent living.
Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
College Place Apartments
4099 Thistledown Drive Orlando, FL 32804
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407-875-3700 ext 3255
Court Related / Outreach Services
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Drug Court and Mental Health Court Services
Drug Court and Mental Health Court Services divert misdemeanants from the criminal justice system using a team approach which includes Aspire Health Partners, law enforcement, and court personnel.
State Hospital Liaison Services
The State Hospital Liaison works with the hospital staff, family and individual to provide continuity of care services for individuals admitted to the state psychiatric hospital system. The State Hospital Liaison monitors both individuals who are involved in the civil and criminal commitment process. The liaison works with the state facilities on discharge plans and coordinates follow-up care for Seminole county residents.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Justice Programs
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
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Crisis Stabilization Unit
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) is a secure, short-term, in-patient psychiatric unit for adults needing emergency mental health treatment. The CSU provides a safe environment for the purpose of stabilizing clients during a period of crisis. As a Baker Act Receiving Facility, the CSU accepts voluntary and involuntary admissions from various community sources as well as voluntary self-referrals.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Crisis / In Patient / Detox
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
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Dave's House Program
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
At Dave's House, residents are offered the opportunity to permanently live in a safe environment with the support of Aspire's behavioral healthcare resources. Residents in the Dave's House program are typically high-functioning individuals that are able to live in the house with minimal supervision.
Residents at Dave's House live independently, including cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and working, but they also receive a little additional support from Aspire Health Partners, Inc.
Mental Health | Homeless Services
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Kassab Plaza
434 West Kennedy Blvd Orlando, FL 32810
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407-875-3700 ext 2707
Family Opportunities for Caring, Understanding and Success (F.O.C.U.S)
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
F.O.C.U.S provides counseling services to children, adolescents, adults and families in the home, office, neighborhood centers, and schools. Counseling services are provided by Masters level counselors on a variety of issues including but not limited to depression, anger, school difficulties, self-esteem, marital issues, motivation, trauma, anxiety, and substance abuse. Services are currently provided in the following communities in Central Florida: Apopka, Oak Ridge, Pine Hills, Union Park, Winter Park and West Orange.
Mental Health | Child Welfare
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
Kassab Plaza
434 West Kennedy Blvd Orlando, FL 32810
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407-875-3700 ext 1169
Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Team
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Florida Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Team is made up of a 24-hour, multidisciplinary, mobile group of treatment providers including a psychiatrist, psychiatric nurses, counselors, case managers, a vocational specialist, a substance abuse specialist and a peer counselor. Treatment services are individualized and staff assist the individual in meeting their goals. Services are provided in a continuous rather than time-limited framework. The FACT team’s goal is to maintain the individual in the community in order to divert them from requiring more intensive services.
Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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407-875-3700 ext 5163
H.O.M.E.: Helping Others Make the Effort
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Helping Others Make the Effort (HOME) is working to break the cycle of homelessness by providing bridge housing and supportive services to homeless single women with children. HOME offers several program options, dependent on the individual family's need and housing urgency. Services include outreach, intake, referrals and case management.
Mental Health | Homeless Services
Services for:
Adult Females, Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
H.O.M.E.: Helping Others Make the Effort
924 Determination Way Kissimmee, FL 34741
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Homeless Services
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Homeless Outreach Partnership Effort is an outreach team to serve the homeless living on the streets, in abandoned buildings and in camps. The team will come alongside homeless individuals to understand their needs and link them to ongoing services that will empower them to obtain and maintain stability in the community. The program is funded through a partnership between the Homeless Services Network of Central Florida. Our PATH program serves the homeless who have mental illness or co-occurring disorders.
Homeless Services | Assessment / Screening
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
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407-875-3700 opt 3
HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Housing Opportunities for Persons With HIV/AIDS (called HOPWA Program) who are experiencing a threat of homelessness or are already homeless. Short-term rental, mortgage, and/or utility assistance available for PLWH/A and their families who qualify based on a HIV-related emergency. Facility-based housing with substance abuse and/or mental health treatment available based on eligibility. Eligibility for any of the HOPWA programs will be determined at time of intake with a Housing Case Manager.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Homeless Services | HIV
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Families
HOPWA: Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS
106 W. Columbia Street Orlando, FL 32806
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407-875-3700 Ext. 4291
Inpatient Services
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Inpatient Services provide psychiatric services and crisis intervention 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for individuals who meet Baker Act criteria. Behavioral interventions are ordered by a licensed psychiatrist and supervised by licensed registered nurses, therapists and trained mental health technicians for individuals who are exhibiting acute mental health disorders.
Crisis / In Patient / Detox
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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Inpatient Services
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Inpatient Services provide psychiatric services and crisis intervention 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for individuals who meet Baker Act criteria. Behavioral interventions are ordered by a licensed psychiatrist and supervised by licensed registered nurses, therapists and trained mental health technicians for individuals who are exhibiting acute mental health disorders.
Crisis / In Patient / Detox
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
Kassab Plaza
434 West Kennedy Blvd Orlando, FL 32810
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INPSYTE (Individuals Navigating Psychosis Through Empowerment)
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
INPSYTE is a multi-disciplinary team that provides comprehensive outpatient care for individuals and their families whom have recently experienced a first episode of psychosis. The INSPYTE team includes a psychiatrist, individual and family therapy services, academic and employment support, and peer-support services.
Serving Female Youth, Male Youth, Adult Females, Adult Males; Ages 16 to 33 years old
Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Female Youth, Male Youth
INPSYTE (Individuals Navigating Psychosis Through Empowerment)
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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407-875-3700 Ext. 6759
Kate's Place
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Kate's Place is a Clubhouse program that was established to support individuals living with the effects of mental illness and co-occurring disorders. Participants are members, not clients, patients or consumers. Members work side by side in operating and accomplishing the goals of the Clubhouse. Kate's Place is a restorative environment for people with mental illness and co-occurring disorders. It focuses on wellness, personal talents, skills, and abilities, not a person's illness. Members are able to build confidence and self-esteem through meaningful work within the Clubhouse and through employment programs that allow members to become gainfully employed through Temporary Employment Program (TEP) opportunities or Supportive Employment, with as much hands-on support from Clubhouse staff as needed. In addition, a variety of social activities are planned by members and staff to encourage relationships and healthy ways to have fun outside of work hours.
Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Kate's Place
4508 Thistledown Drive Orlando, FL 32804
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(407) 875-3700 ext. 2707
Medication Assisted Treatment Program
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Medication Assisted Treatment Program provides comprehensive medical, psychiatric, and behavioral counseling care for adults addicted to substances on an outpatient basis. In addition to group, individual, and family counseling, the program uses medications to assist in recovery. Methadone, Suboxone, and Vivitrol, are among the medications used to support the needs of program clients. Clients in the program primarily struggle with opiate and/or alcohol addiction. Medication, with intensive counseling helps to increase the likelihood of establishing recovery and a responsible, healthy lifestyle. Psychiatric services are available to clients struggling with additional mental health concerns, such as depression and anxiety. Psychiatric services are provided, along with services to treat addiction, utilizing medications supportive of recovery. This allows for issues like anxiety and depression to be addressed safely and successfully while treating the addiction.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Assessment / Screening
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Families
Columbia Street
100 West Columbia Street Orlando, FL 32806
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407-875-3700, ext. 4300
Men's Residential Recovery Program (MRRP)
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Men's Residential Recovery Program (MRRP) offers short-term intensive residential therapy for adult males with alcohol or drug dependency and co-occurring mental health disorders. Co-occurring disorders typically include: depression, anxiety, or more severe problems such as bi-polar disorder or schizophrenia. MRRP offers a 24 hour structured environment in a home-like setting. The program usually lasts about 60-90 days and is tailored to the individual needs of each client. Services include psychiatric care, medication management, individual, family & group counseling, case management, self-help groups, relapse prevention education, crisis management, basic health care, HIV education, and vocational skills training.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Homeless Services
Services for:
Adult Males
Michagan St.
1405 West Michigan St. Orlando, FL 32805
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(407)-875-3700 x 4634
Mobile Response Team - Orange County
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Aspire's Mobile Response Team provides 24-hour mobile crisis intervention and assessment services for adults experiencing severe emotional or mental health crises that could become emergencies if not addressed quickly. Requests for on-site evaluation may be received from any source and evaluations occur in any settings in which a behavioral health crisis occurs. Telehealth response is also available. The team of trained professionals provide services including evaluation, assessment, safety and crisis planning, stabilization, supportive crisis counseling, education, development of coping skills, and linkage and referrals to appropriate services, including follow-up if necessary and requested.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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Mobile Response Team - Seminole County
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Aspire's Mobile Response Team provides 24-hour mobile crisis intervention and assessment services for adults experiencing severe emotional or mental health crises that could become emergencies if not addressed quickly. Requests for on-site evaluation may be received from any source and evaluations occur in any settings in which a behavioral health crisis occurs. Telehealth response is also available. The team of trained professionals provide services including evaluation, assessment, safety and crisis planning, stabilization, supportive crisis counseling, education, development of coping skills, and linkage and referrals to appropriate services, including follow-up if necessary and requested.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
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New Horizons
Counties Served:
Orange, Seminole
Program Summary:
New Horizons is a middle/high school Florida Evidenced-Based counseling program staffed with Master’s level counselors. Full-time counseling services are provided 5 days a week during school hours. Services include individual, group, and family counseling at no cost to the schools or families. The New Horizons group curriculum addresses communication, decision-making, coping skills, anger management, and substance use prevention. The outcome for students is improved school behavior and the development of healthy coping skills.
School-based services provide easy access to counseling that students may not otherwise receive.
The program is located in several Seminole and Orange county schools.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Child Welfare
Services for:
Female Youth, Male Youth
Fernpark Facility
237 Fernwood Blvd Fern Park, FL 32730
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Oasis Adolescent Campus (OAC)
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Oasis Adolescent Campus (OAC) provides residential treatment services for adolescent males and females, ages 13-17, with behavioral health disorders. The program provides a myriad of therapeutic services that address issues of substance abuse and dependence, trauma, sexual exploitation, and mental and emotional health. OAC follows a trauma-focused, comprehensive, integrated and culturally relevant approach to treatment. Treatment services encompass relational, trauma, substance abuse and cognitive-behavioral theories and in addition to substance abuse education, relapse prevention, family reunification/ bonding activities and life skills training. The residential program incorporates experiential therapy including therapeutic off-campus trips, team, and individual sports. Residents attend school through the home school module using Florida Virtual School FLEX while working at their own pace. Additional opportunities for GED classes are also available onsite.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | HIV | Pharmacy
Services for:
Female Youth, Male Youth
5600 Clarcona Ocoee Road Orlando, FL 32810
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407-875-3700 x4256
Operation Center Focus (Female Veteran's Program for Brevard County)
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Operation Center Focus is a transitional housing program for women veterans who are homeless. The program is designed to provide transitional housing and supportive services including medical evaluation, mental health counseling, psycho-social support, education/vocational training, and additional services that focus on the veteran's recovery and restoration of a healthy, responsible lifestyle.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Crisis / In Patient / Detox | Veteran's Services
Services for:
Adult Females
Grissom Parkway
3905 Grissom Parkway Cocoa, FL 32926
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875-3700 ext 4207
Operation Center Focus (Male Veteran's Program for Orange County)
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Operation Center Focus is a 42 bed transitional housing program for male veterans who are homeless and in need of substance abuse services. The program is designed to provide transitional housing and supportive services including medical evaluation, mental health counseling, psycho-social support, education/vocational training, and additional services that focus on the veteran's recovery and restoration of a healthy, responsible lifestyle.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Homeless Services | Veteran's Services
Services for:
Adult Males
Michagan St.
1405 West Michigan St. Orlando, FL 32805
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407-875-3700 ext. 4629
Orange Outpatient Center
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Orange Outpatient Center provides integrative psychotherapeutic services for Orange County adults and adolescents in need of outpatient substance abuse treatment. The Outpatient Center offers comprehensive, confidential counseling services for individuals using evidence based treatment approaches which include individual and group counseling, family counseling, psycho-education, DUI services, life skills, experiential therapy, relapse prevention, and formal referrals to community agencies based on individual needs.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Female Youth, Male Youth
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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407-875-3700 X6240
Osceola Outpatient Center
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Osceola Outpatient Center provides outpatient services for Osceola County adults and adolescents in need of non-residential substance abuse or mental health treatment services. The Outpatient Center offers comprehensive, confidential counseling services and consultation for individuals and businesses using evidence based treatment approaches which include individual and group counseling.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
Osceola Outpatient Center
1975 S. John Young Parkway Kissimmee, FL 34741
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407-875-3700 x4220
Outpatient Clinical Counseling
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Outpatient Clinical Counseling provides short term counseling, using solution focused, cognitive behavioral approaches. Individual, family and couple counseling are available. Ongoing case review helps providers within this department develop tailored and effective treatment plans for clients. Referrals to other services within the agency can also be made by crisis counselors as dictated by the changing needs of individuals served.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Assessment / Screening | Prevention / Education
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
Fernpark Facility
237 Fernwood Blvd Fern Park, FL 32730
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(407)-875-3700 option 3
Primary Care Outpatient Clinic - Orange
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Aspire's Primary Care Outpatient Clinic - Orange (PCOC) integrates primary care services with existing behavioral healthcare clinics facilitating easy access to comprehensive care. This allows for Team Based Care bringing together co-occurring medical management and clinical services. PCOC services include primary care screening and monitoring, routine follow-up, vaccinations and protocol driven management of chronic medical conditions. This integrated system supports outcome measurement of key health indicators promoting whole health improvement for individuals served.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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(407)-875-3700 ext 7262
Primary Care Outpatient Clinic - Seminole
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Aspire's Primary Care Outpatient Clinic - Seminole (PCOC) integrates primary care services with existing behavioral healthcare clinics facilitating easy access to comprehensive care. This allows for Team Based Care bringing together co-occurring medical management and clinical services. PCOC services include primary care screening and monitoring, routine follow up, vaccinations and protocol driven management of chronic medical conditions. This integrated system supports outcome measurement of key health indicators promoting whole health improvement for individuals served.
Program Hours:8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
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(407)-875-3700 ext 7262
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services - Orange County
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services "(PSR)" assist participants in learning and developing the necessary social and behavioral skills to successfully live in the community as independently as possible. Clients work with a primary counselor to collaboratively establish goals for treatment and then work towards those goals. Services incorporate group activities that focus on topics including understanding mental illness, symptoms and symptom management, interpersonal social skills, and managing tasks of daily living. Clients are able to choose from a variety of groups depending on their personal goals, and are able to participate in individual counseling sessions if requested. Through psychosocial rehabilitation services, clients are able to take ownership of and responsibility for their treatment and recovery.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Kassab Plaza
434 West Kennedy Blvd Orlando, FL 32810
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(407)-875-3700 opt 3 (Access)
Seminole Center for Co-Occurring Disorders
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Seminole Center for Co-Occurring Disorders provides the opportunity for Individuals with both a serious mental illness and substance abuse disorder, to learn how to effectively cope with and manage psychiatric symptoms while also reducing the frequency and severity of substance abuse. The SCCD goal is and has been to incorporate evidence-based practices in order to provide concurrent and coordinated care to those persons with co-occurring disorders.
Desiree Bermudez
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
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407-875-3700 x2233
TASC - Juvenile (Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities)
Counties Served:
Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
The TASC program works with criminal justice entities in order to link offenders with or at risk of criminal justice involvement to treatment and services. The program provides assessments to offenders who have come into contact with the criminal justice system to identify treatment needs and link them to appropriate referrals. This interrupts the cycle of drug use and criminal behavior and helps at-risk individuals get the help they need to be successful in the community. Aspire operates both an Adult TASC program and a Juvenile TASC program and serves individuals of all ages. Services are available at the Orange Juvenile Assessment Center and the Seminole Juvenile Assessment Center
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Justice Programs
Services for:
Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
823 W. Central Ave, Orlando FL 32805
823 W. Central Ave Orlando, FL 32805
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TASC Adult - (Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities)
Counties Served:
Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
The TASC program works with criminal justice entities in order to link offenders with or at risk of criminal justice involvement to treatment and services. The program provides assessments to offenders who have come into contact with the criminal justice system to identify treatment needs and link them to appropriate referrals. This interrupts the cycle of drug use and criminal behavior and helps at-risk individuals get the help they need to be successful in the community. Aspire operates both an Adult TASC program and a Juvenile TASC program and serves individuals of all ages.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Child Welfare
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Fernpark Facility
237 Fernwood Blvd Fern Park, FL 32730
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407-875-3700 ext 3773
TASC Adult - (Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities) Brevard
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The TASC program works with criminal justice entities in order to link offenders with or at risk of criminal justice involvement to treatment and services. The program provides assessments to offenders who have come into contact with the criminal justice system to identify treatment needs and link them to appropriate referrals. This interrupts the cycle of drug use and criminal behavior and helps at-risk individuals get the help they need to be successful in the community. Aspire operates both an Adult TASC program and a Juvenile TASC program and serves individuals of all ages.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Child Welfare
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
1600 Sarno Road, Melbourne FL
1600 Sarno Road Melbourne, FL 32935
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The Children's Community Action Team (CAT Team)
Counties Served:
Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
The Children's Community Action Team (CAT Team) is a multi-disciplinary, community based team that provides intensive wraparound services to children, adolescents, and young adults who are at risk of out-of-home placement due to mental health or substance abuse disorders. Youth receiving services must be between the age of 11-21 and have received a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis. The CAT Team is a short term, intensive program with services typically lasting approximately 6 months. Services are available in Orange, Seminole, and Osceola Counties.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
Fernpark Facility
237 Fernwood Blvd Fern Park, FL 32730
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875-3700 ext 1096
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Aspire Health Partners - Tampa
Counties Served:
Brevard, Hillsborough, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Aspire Health Partners provides accessible, confidential, high-quality behavioral healthcare services and case management resources to veterans, their families, and the families of Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserves, including spouse or partner, children, parents, siblings, caregivers, and others.
Services are available regardless of discharge status, role while in uniform and combat experience.
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic is physically located in Tampa, and all clinic services are available throughout the state of Florida via telehealth options.
Learn More
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Veteran's Services
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Families
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Aspire Health Partners
4520 Oak Fair Blvd Tampa, FL 33610
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The Women and Children Residential Treatment Program - Orange County
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Women and Children Residential Treatment Program offers comprehensive and intensive residential treatment for women, women with children, or pregnant and postpartum women in a safe and structured environment. Onsite therapeutic child care services are available and include identification and/or referrals for prenatal substance exposed children. The program utilizes a evidence-based treatment model which addresses the needs of women with both mental health issues and substance use disorders. Innovative treatment services are gender specific with culturally competent staff and include individual, group and family counseling; case management; parenting education; life skills development; trauma services; vocational/educational services; mental health and medical assessment/treatment; and referrals.
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Homeless Services
Services for:
Adult Females
Women’s Residential Orange County
8301 East Colonial Drive Orlando, FL 32817
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407-875-3700 ext 4335
TREE Program
Counties Served:
Orange, Seminole
Program Summary:
The Aspire Tree program for Transitional Aged Youth serves males and females between the ages of 16-25 with substance use, mental health, and co-occurring disorders. The initiative targets those at highest risk of substance abuse or dependence who are experiencing problems associated with substance use including emotional, physical, legal, social, or academic issues. Program participants may be involved in the Criminal Justice or Child Welfare systems, or they may be facing disciplinary action at school. The program serves youth residing in Orange and Seminole County.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth
Princeton Plaza
1800 Mercy Drive Orlando, FL 32808
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Turning Point - Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Turning Point is a Psychosocial Rehabilitation program that is active, goal oriented and time limited. The primary focus of the program is to assist participants in learning and developing the necessary social and behavioral skills they need to successfully live in the community as independently as possible. Each client works with an assigned Primary Counselor in a collaborative relationship to establish their personal goals for treatment and to select group courses to assist them in working toward these goals. Group activities focusing on skill development - both cognitive and behavioral - are used to achieve increased interpersonal skill development, socialization and independence for clients. Individual meetings with their Primary Counselor and optional workshops are also provided during program hours to assist those looking to enhance their treatment with the Turning Point Program. Client's are strongly encouraged to take ownership and responsibility for treatment and recovery.
Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males
Bay Avenue
300 South Bay Ave. Sanford, FL 32771
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Women's Residential - Brevard
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Women's Residential- Brevard Program offers comprehensive and intensive residential treatment for women in a safe and structured environment. The program utilizes an evidence-based treatment model which addresses the needs of women with both mental health issues and substance use disorders. Innovative treatment services are gender specific with culturally competent staff and include individual, group and family counseling; case management; parenting education; life skills development; trauma services; vocational/educational services; mental health and medical assessment/treatment; and referrals.
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Crisis / In Patient / Detox
Services for:
Adult Females
Grissom Parkway
3905 Grissom Parkway Cocoa, FL 32926
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407-875-3700 ext 4405
Women's Residential Program - Seminole
Counties Served:
Program Summary:
The Women's Residential Program - Seminole provides residential treatment for substance dependent women who are motivated to gain the skills and support they need to live in recovery. Substance-abusing women age 18 and older will be considered based on clinical appropriateness and bed availability. The program uses a holistic approach that integrates traditional substance abuse services, including individual, group, and family therapy, with meditation and physical movement. Groups focus on recovery issues, relapse prevention, psychiatric care, domestic violence, anger management, coping skills, and decision-making skills. Case management services provide assistance with obtaining housing, employment, medical care, and assistance with legal issues as needed. services, housing, psychiatric care, and physical health issues are also addressed. Emphasis is put on learning and practicing appropriate leisure and recreational skills
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | Homeless Services
Services for:
Adult Females
The Women and Children Residential Facility - Seminole County
96 Plumosa Ave. Casselberry, FL 32707
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Youth! Positively Empowered - Y!PEP
Counties Served:
Orange, Osceola, Seminole
Program Summary:
Youth! Positively Empowered, or Y!PEP, is a prevention program funded by a grant in partnership with the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Y!PEP provides Evidence-Based psycho-education and community connection services to adolescents 13-17 years of age at risk of HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and substance abuse disorder (SUD) across Central Florida. The program's goal is to improve HIV/AIDS-related health outcomes for racial/ethnic and sexual minorities through HIV and STI education, HIV testing, Hepatitis C testing, substance use education, and peer support.
Program Hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM - 5 PM
Eligibility Criteria: 13 - 17 years old
Contact Information:
Program Director: Angie Buckley Phone:(407) 697-2953
Lead Navigator: Yasmin Rocha Phone: (689) 253-7967
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education | HIV
Services for:
Children, Female Youth, Male Youth
Fernpark Facility
237 Fernwood Blvd Fern Park, FL 32730
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Many of our programs are sponsored by Aspire Health Partners, Inc., Central Florida Cares Health System, Inc., and the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families