
$2,740 Grant Awarded to Brevard Women and Children’s Residential and Women’s Operation Center Focus Programs from The Community Foundation for Brevard

Aspire is pleased to announce that the Brevard Women and Children’s Residential Program and Women’s Operation Center Focus (OCF) has been awarded a grant for $2,740 from the Community Foundation for Brevard. This grant will fund the Movin’ On Up! Health initiative for Aspire’s Brevard female programs, which includes providing yoga instruction, exercise equipment, and fitness trackers for the Brevard Women and Children’s and Women’s OCF residents.

The Brevard Women and Children’s Residential Program and Women’s OCF serves adult women and homeless female veterans who struggle with substance abuse, co-occurring mental health disorders, and trauma disorders. The residents at this facility receive substance abuse and mental health counseling services, as well as case management services and life skills development classes.

The Community Foundation for Brevard is dedicated to supporting local non-profit organizations within Brevard County. Their mission involves supporting behavioral health services, health and wellness programs, education, animal welfare, art, and community development initiatives that meet the needs of Brevard County. For more information, please visit their website at