

Generator Installation & Full Roof Replacement for Women’s Residential – Seminole

Aspire Health Partners will host Pre-Bid Meetings for the following projects on Friday, February 7, 2025.

  • Generator (Diesel/Propane) Installation @ 10:00AM
  • Full Roof Replacement @ 11:15AM

Location: 96 Plumosa Ave, Casselberry, FL 32707

Attendance at the Pre-Bid meeting is required for all parties submitting bids.

Aspire Health Partners will accept separate sealed bids for each of these projects. All bids must be submitted by 10:00am, Friday, February 28, 2025. Bids may be mailed or delivered in person to:

Aspire Health Partners
Attn: Roscoe Griffen
5151 Adanson Street
Orlando, FL, 32804

These projects are partially funded through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. As a federally funded project, Federal Labor Standards Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage Rates shall apply. All Women and Minority Business Enterprises (WMBE) are encouraged to participate in the bidding process. The entire project must adhere to Davis Bacon Federal Wages and Section 3. Bidders must be State of Florida Certified or State of Florida Registered for Generator Company and registered with

For these contracts, payment of predetermined minimum wages applies. The U.S. Department of Labor Wage Rates applicable to these contracts are listed in Wage Rate Decision Number(s) FL20250226 01/03/2025, as modified up through ten days prior to the opening of bids. A copy of the applicable Wage Rate Table as of the advertisement date is included.

Bid Packets & Construction Documents are available electronically via EMAIL upon request. All email requests include the following title(s) in the subject line:

CDBG Plumosa Roof Replacement
CDBG Plumosa Generator (Deisel/Propane) Installment

Requests should be sent to: