Program Details
Children's Community Action Team (CAT) Team - Osceola County
Osceola CAT Team
1975 S John Young Parkway Kissimmee, FL 34741
407-875-3700 ext4776
Program Description:
The Children's Community Action Team (CAT Team) is a multi-disciplinary, community based team that provides intensive wraparound services to children, adolescents, and young adults who are at risk of out-of-home placement due to mental health or substance abuse disorders. Youth receiving services must be between the age of 11-21 and have received a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis. The CAT Team is a short term, intensive program with services typically lasting approximately 6 months. Services are available in Orange, Seminole, and Osceola Counties.
Youth must also meet additional criteria including: Being at risk of out-of-home placement after traditional services have not adequately met needs and more intensive services are required; having two or more hospitalizations related to behavioral health; having involvement with the Department of Juvenile Justice or repeated interactions with law enforcement; poor academic performance or school suspensions; or aging out of child welfare system or youth mental health treatment system with high treatment needs. Children younger than 11 who meet multiple criteria may be also be eligible for services.
Services include psychiatric care; individual, family, and group therapy; case management; mentoring; tutoring; parenting classes; medication education and management; and on-call crisis advocacy and wrap around support, including attendance at hearings, IEP meetings, and other appointments. Services are provided either in person or via telehealth depending on need.
Eligibility Criteria
Youth between the ages of 11 and 21 with mental health or substance use disorders who need intensive treatment.
CAT Orange: (407)-875-3700 ext 5078
CAT Seminole: (407)-875-3700 ext 1096
CAT Osceola: (407)-875-3700 ext 5227
Fax (referrals):
CAT Orange Fax: (407)-822-5072
CAT Seminole Fax: (407)-667-1644
CAT Osceola Fax: (407)-667-1643
Counties Served:
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Children, Families, Female Youth, Male Youth