Program Details
Adult Outpatient Medication / Medical Services
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
(407)-875-3700 ext 7262
Program Description:
Outpatient Medical Services are available to individuals in need of evaluation for and treatment with psychotropic medication. Referred clients are given a Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation including an assessment for chemical dependency problems. Individuals who abuse alcohol and drugs may in many instances experience all the symptoms of a chronic mental illness; with abstinence, their symptoms will resolve.
It is the goal of our Medical Services to accurately diagnose an individual's condition and provide the safest medication regimen available. We do not prescribe medications that are potentially addictive to individuals who are at risk for chemical dependency to avoid complicating a client's clinical issues.
Clients are seen at regularly scheduled appointments. Appropriate laboratory monitoring is an essential component of the treatment provided, and testing is done at the clinic to facilitate compliance with this important aspect of treatment. Medication and Wellness Education are also offered to assist clients in achieving maximum benefit from the medications prescribed.
Counties Served:
Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males, Children, Female Youth, Male Youth