Program Details
College Place Apartments
College Place Apartments
4099 Thistledown Drive Orlando, FL 32804
407-875-3700 ext 3255
Program Description:
The residential program is comprised of multiple Programs within our College Place Apartments, a 54-bed supervised apartment facility, that provides transitional housing as well as other services to individuals with mental illness. It is a point of entry for adults, including the homeless, with severe and persistent mental illnesses who need the support of supervised living until they have regained the skills necessary for more independent living.
Nearly 90% of the College Place residents progress to independent living.
Program Hours: 24/7
Eligibility Criteria:
18 years of age or older
Severe and persistent mental health diagnosis
Ability to self-preserve and self-transfer
Has or will be assigned a case manager
No medical conditions beyond staff scope of care
Must have moderate skill deficits in daily living skills, social skills, communication skills and/or medication management skills
Willing to participate in substance abuse programming when needs are identified
Client desires and is able to benefit from the program
Does not exhibit any dangerous, suicidal, violent or chronically inappropriate behavior that would disrupt program activities.
Counties Served:
Mental Health
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males