Program Details

CENTAUR - Main Office

CENTAUR Main Office
106 West Columbia Street Orlando, FL 32806

407-875-3700 x 4291

Program Summary:
The mission of CENTAUR is to reduce the incidence of HIV infection in our community and to improve the quality of life for persons who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Services are designed to address the factors associated with the risk or progression of HIV infection. CENTAUR provides confidential HIV & Hepatitis testing; mental health counseling; community referrals; comprehensive education sessions; and substance abuse assessment and counseling. In addition, CENTAUR also provides HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS) services for those individuals infected with HIV/AIDS and are experiencing a threat of homelessness or are already homeless.

Program Description:
The mission of CENTAUR is to reduce the incidence of HIV infection in our community and to improve the quality of life for persons who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS. Services are designed to address the factors associated with the risk or progression of HIV infection. CENTAUR provides confidential HIV & Hepatitis testing; mental health counseling; community referrals; comprehensive education sessions; and substance abuse assessment and counseling. In addition, CENTAUR also provides HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS) services for those individuals infected with HIV/AIDS and are experiencing a threat of homelessness or are already homeless. Eligibility for HOPWA services will be determined at time of intake with a Housing Case Manager. Program services include short-term rental, mortgage, and/or utility assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. In addition, facility-based housing is available, based on eligibility, for those people living with HIV/AIDS in need of substance abuse and/or mental health treatment services. In addition to being a HOPWA provider, CENTAUR is also a Ryan White provider. Intake appointments can be scheduled Monday through Friday.

Program Hours: Intake appointments Monday - Friday

Eligibility Criteria (ex: age, county, diagnosis...): Accepted into the program after confirmed HIV diagnosis

Phone: 407-875-3700 x 4291
Fax: 407-316-4504

Counties Served:
Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole

Assessment / Screening  |  Alcohol / Substance Abuse  |  Mental Health  |  Homeless Services  |  HIV

Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males