Program Details
Primary Care Outpatient Clinic - Seminole
Sanford Facility
919 East Second St Sanford, FL 32771
(407)-875-3700 ext 7262
Program Description:
Aspire's Primary Care Outpatient Clinic - Seminole (PCOC) integrates primary care services with existing behavioral healthcare clinics facilitating easy access to comprehensive care. This allows for Team Based Care bringing together co-occurring medical management and clinical services. PCOC services include primary care screening and monitoring, routine follow up, vaccinations and protocol driven management of chronic medical conditions. This integrated system supports outcome measurement of key health indicators promoting whole health improvement for individuals served.
Program Hours:8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Counties Served:
Assessment / Screening | Alcohol / Substance Abuse | Mental Health | Prevention / Education
Services for:
Adult Females, Adult Males